Stand Up To Plastic Initiative

Helping Ninjas™ is a student led not-for-profit. Our mission is to educate and create opportunities for youth the help the planet, each other and themselves. What most people don’t realize is that when you help the ocean, you are doing all three!

Healthy oceans ensure life on Earth; since 70% of all oxygren is produced by marine plants and sea life — when you help the oceans, you are helping each other, yourself and the planet!

Stand Up To Plastic is an initiative to educate youth on the impacts of global plastic pollution.  Envcouraging others to think about cause ane effect, before you toss that peice of plastic into the trash! It is part of our larger commitment to encourage youth to Stand Up For Our Planet which educates and addresses platic pollution global issues and celebrates those who are helping our environment!

Helping Ninjas is geared to educate youth on ways to help, and what better way for them to see is by example?

As future leaders, youth today need to stand up for our planet and our marine life, and together take a stand to stop pollution of plastic. Helping Ninjas wants others to consider their consequences from throwing plastic in the trash — and consider the fact that perhaps, there is just simply put, too much plastic being produced and used by consumers.

Helping Ninjas hopes to help inspire and influence the reduce of plastic production. Consider the idea that if the manufacturing of plastic produce less, exploration of the intent to manufacture of only eco-friendly consumer items would become widespread. Helping Ninjas hopes that businesses, companies and large manufacturers invest in finding solutions.

In fact, some companies are standing up and being leaders, and being the change – such as Starbucks, who in March 2018 did this:

 “Starting today, Starbucks is committing $10M in partnership with Closed Loop Partners and its Center for the Circular Economy to establish a groundbreaking consortium to launch the NextGen Cup Challenge. This is the first step in the development of a global end-to-end solution that would allow cups around the world to be diverted from landfills and composted or given a second life as another cup, napkin or even a chair – anything that can use recycled material.” March 2018

#StandUpToPlastic Initiative  
Join the efforts in standing up to plastic to help the environment! Lindsey Fella-Berry, CEO of Helping Ninjas, and Laya Berry, a 7-year-old Helping Ninja, share startling facts about how plastic impacts the environment negatively, such as:

Source: How to pack an eco-friendly lunch

Click Here To Watch Helping Ninjas LIVE on Indy Style Wish-TV Channel 8 Indianapolis,  Indiana.

Marine plastic pollution has impacted at least 267 species worldwide, including 86% of all sea turtle species, 44% of all seabird species and 43% of all marine mammal species. The impacts include fatalities as a result of ingestion, starvation, suffocation, infection, drowning, and entangment..    

 Eco-Friendly Lunch. Helping Ninjas items in our lunch boxes are environmenly friendly!

Eco-Friendly Lunch  Want to help our environment by packing a plastic free lunh? Click here to see Helping Ninjas Favorite Eco-Friendly Lunch Options!

#PlasticFree #Non-Toxic #Eco-Friendly #Alternatives #EcoCheers

Join the Movement!

Help us, help the planet by learning how to pack an eco-friendly lunch!

Reuse!  Reuse! Reuse!

What major brands in the United States are doing to reduce waste and ensure a sustainable community.

US scientists have calculated the total amount of plastic ever made at 8.3 billion tons. This mass of material that only in the last 65 years .The 8.3 billion tons is as heavy as 25,000 Empire State Buildings in New York, or 1 billion elephants. (Reference,, July 2017, BBC News) 

Did you know that only 9% off plastic EVER made has been recycled? Leaving 91% of the world’s plastic NOT getting recycled, and, its ending up in our oceans. In fact, scientists are predicting that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean then fish. And, that is important because 70% of the Earth’s oxygen, comes from our oceans and marine plants. To prevent plastic chokiing us, literally, its time to re-think our single-use plastic items and find a way to ensure that plastic is getting recycled, or reduce usage all together of plastics to elliminate waste.

It’s time to stand up to plastic, and Stand Up For Our Planet!

  • 70% of the Earth’s oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by oceans & marine plants
  • 8.3 billion tons of plastic has been created in the last sixty-five years and through massive pollution, has now made its way to our oceans
  • 8 million tons of single-use plastic items in oceans
  • All plastic ever made STILL exisits today
  • 50% of all plastic (roughly 4.1 billion tons) was created in the last 13 years
  • 91% of the worlds plastic is not recycled
  • Straws mkae up 4% of plastic items entering oceans & causing adverse affectson the environment
  • 2000 tons of plastic straw waste enters our ocean each year
  • 500 million straws are used daily in the United States
  • Scientists predict by 2050 there will be more plastic then fish in oceans

70% of the worlds oxygen comes from the oceans;  Over half of the oxygen we breath comes specifically from marine photosyntesizers – plankton and seaweed.

Read full article:

What is Phytonplankton?  

How does PhytoPlankton Help produCE Oxygen and Our eco-systems?

From National Geographic Society:

Where does the oxygen we breathe come from?

Explain to students that rainforests are responsible for roughly one-third (28%) of the Earth’s oxygen but most (70%) of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by marine plants. The remaining 2 percent of Earth’s oxygen comes from other sources.

The ocean produces oxygen through the plants (phytoplankton, kelp, and algal plankton) that live in it. These plants produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, a process which converts carbon dioxide and sunlight into sugars the organism can use for energy. One type of phytoplankton, Prochlorococcus, releases countless tons of oxygen into the atmosphere. It is so small that millions can fit in a drop of water. Prochlorococcus has achieved fame as perhaps the most abundant photosynthetic organism on the planet. Dr. Sylvia A. Earle, a National Geographic Explorer, has estimated that Prochlorococcus provides the oxygen for one in every five breaths we take.

Click on the image to see more class room activities regarding the oxygen we breath and how to teach children ages 8-12.  This can also be done at home.

Single Use Plastic Items are filling up our landfills and unfortunately are being found in the oceans, and hurting marine life. And, us, since 70% of our oxygen comes from the oceans! That’s important!

Did you know plastic bags are recyable? Most people are not aware, that small sandwich or plastic bags are recyable, you just have to get them to the right place. Also, dry cleaning bags, store merchandise bag, produce plastic bags, platstic #2 and #4 — they can all be recylced!

Helping NInjas found fasicinating that Ziploc® Bags are recyclable! But, only at participating stores who accept plastic bags, like most Kroger® stores. Watch the video  to find out how!


Read full article: Plastic Cleanup Machine

HElping Ninjas is Researching Businesses who are choosing plastic Free Options

Follow our motto, Learn. Help. Share. and join us by sharing inspiring and educational posts at @StandUpToPlatsic, @LearnHelpShare, @StandUpToStraws, @StandUp4RPlanet, or @HelpingNinjas and begin helping the planet today. Examples of posts, would be a picture of how you are helping the environment by reducing or helping to end plastic pollution or education or pictures that describe, explain, inspire others as to why they should consider stop using single use plastic. Thinking about cause and effect, and consequences of our actions.

Such as photos of Eco-Friendly Straws, Eco-Friendly Utensils, To-Go Boxes, etc. Any efforts to recycle, composting, reducing waste, conserving energy and/or supporting renewable energy. Promoting urban farming, such as buying local, or any sustainable environment efforts or goals. Community Outreach and/or charitable acts of helping the community or planet.

An other organizations and business efforts to help the environment –is worth sharing. Any celebrity or athletes efforts to help. Any effort or education on how to help living things — including all species of life, pollinators, butterflies, land & aquatic animals and wildlife, soil,  water, air, weather — any news story, news feed, post or photo you may have seen – and could be a shared learning tool for others. 

Social Media Etiquette

Helping Ninjas encourages critical thinking so although we welcome sharing posts that may not be so easy to digest, such as an animal harmed by plastic, as in some instances, if presented it in a right way, could be a shared learning tool for others. However, we do not condone threatening to the eyes of others, especially our youth.

Helping Ninjas prohibits any and all forms of negative posts, negative comments, negative messages negative opinions, negative statements and will not be shared and may result in immediate removal and reporting and/or blocking of account.  When posting and tagging us, to avoid post removal, all posts must align and not breech the Helping Ninjas Social Media Etiquette guidelines.

Join the movement!

Anyone may join and participate in our efforts to educate youth on how to help reduce plastic pollution. Inspiring unity, help and change, this page encourages posts, videos, photos depicting how one is helping the planet by making efforts to reduce plastic pollution and educate others as to why. And to help embark on the journey to eliminate single use plastic.

We might feature  your posts on our blog, so be sure to tag us!

#StandUpToPlastic        #StandUp4RPlanet    #Floss4Oceans                #EcoCheers         #Alternatives    #StrawlessCheers  #StandUpToStraws


Send us your pictures of the floss dance, stand up to plastic and floss! Or post and tag #Floss4Oceans

#StandUpToStraws is an initiative to educate youth on the impacts of global plastic pollution and to think about cause and effect, and to stand up for our planet. Helping Ninjas wants to educate and create awareness about this issue and how one can help our environment & all aquatic marine animals. Options to help are total ellimatation, reduction, and, another way, is using alternative straws.

Stand Up To Straws, A Note From a Ninja

Need an Example?

Example Posts:

Example Blog Post:

Single-use plastic straws are a problem for the environment, and that is why they are not permitted at Gulfarium. Helping Ninjas got to meet Gulfarium, Sarah, who #StandsUpToStraws Links already created videos to see Gulfarium staff in action, and the many ways we are helping our oceans.  See Gulfarium staff in action: 

C.A.R.E. Center is a great resource. A center and hospital of composed of marine biologists who rescue, rehabilitate and release sea turtles. Individual stories about our C.A.R.E. Center and updates may be found here:

See THIS example post in real time on our blog:

C.A.R.E Center on the Gulf

Helping Ninjas™ Mission To India

**If you are interested in learning more details or specifics about participation in Helping Ninjas or our iniatiatives, contact [email protected].


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