Join Social Media: StandUpToStraws


We are inviting all community members and businesses to join our initiative by displaying following @StandUpToStraws page and to use #StandUpToStraws on social media!

To help engage and give community members a call to action, Helping Ninjas wants to invite patrons to join online in with posts announcing their pledge to #StandUpToStraws with pictures and videos of a “Straw-less Cheers”and our favorite, “The Floss”dance to celebrate – all in efforts to create awareness and begin positive change.

We are also inviting all community members and businesses to join our initiative by displaying our signs.

If you are a community member and want to help, you can help by joining our efforts to hit the street! Talk to a local business or restaurant, ask if they want to join our mission!

To download sharable and printable signs click here.

We are inviting local businesses to participate further by only providing patrons straws when asked, and to explore the use of eco-friendly straws in hopes to create a more sustainable environment.

It is our hopes that you would consider joining our efforts now, or to consider doing so in the future – helping others to learn about our efforts and encouraging community participation! We will showcase current measures your company is taking or what plans you intend to take in the future, and we will share your efforts on our website and social media!

Helping Ninjas™ Incorporated is a student-led not-for-profit. Our mission is to create opportunities for children to learn how to help the world. #StandUpToStrawsis an initiative to educate youth on the impacts of global plastic pollution.  It is part of our larger commitment to encourage youth to Stand Up For Our Planet.



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