Recycling Detective Work

Today we had a little mission. It was to figure out which stores and businesses recycled and which ones that did not. And, I think it is good that most places recycle. We were pretty surprised with what we found. Cool Creek Park recycles large cardboard boxes and some paper waste .One little sad thing is when we were at the gas station, their was green bins for trash, but they were NOT recycling bins. They were only green because it was BP and their theme is green. We were also surprised to find that McDonalds actually recycled cardboard. But Arbys didn’t recycle at ALL. I was shocked because McDonalds – even though they were recycling cardboard  they were not normally everyday recycling waste. One good thing was Rickers was planting trees all over America – one pump, one tree gets planted. If you want to learn more, go to Rickers Replenish.  Good for Rickers, but bad for BP. I want to write a letter to BP asking them to start recycling some way at gas stations across America. Here are some images.

 Cool Creek RecyclesMcDonalds Recycles Cardboard  

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