Join our initiative to bring awareness to importance of pollinators and to educate our youth about this global issue – and how to help!

Join our efforts today. To sign-up for the Helping Ninja Popcorn & Pollinator Initiative, submit the form below:

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Learn About Pollinators and How You Can Help By Planting Flowers!
Watch Educational Videos For Kids
Popcorn and Pollinators Educational Slide Show
Did You Know?
There are different kinds of pollinators!

Some birds are pollinators.

Some bats are pollinators.

Pollinators Love Bright Flowers
Protecting Pollinators

Whats all the buzz about bees?
Learning about the decline of pollinators and what that means for our planet – is the first step in helping!
Creating awareness is the first step! And any child can learn to help too – just by educating themselves! Helping Ninjas love to help the planet! We are celebrating the importance of pollinators with our peers through our Popcorn and Pollinators social event – where children will learn first hand about bees and pollinators!
The Native Bee Hut Project
Helping Ninjas has joined efforts with Crown Bees of Washington and Hamilton County Park, Holly Faust– Helping Ninjas will be installing 39 native bee huts over 100 acres at Cool Creek Nature Center this Spring!

The Native Bee Project is part of a larger effort called, Projects For Good, which was started by Crown Bees in Washington state. To learn more about the Native Bee Project, click here.
To learn more about Helping Ninjas Popcorn and Pollinators and/or the Native Bee Hut Project please contact [email protected]. To subscribe to the Helping Ninjas blog here.
Join the Helping Ninjas and Holly Faust, Education Specialist, Hamilton County Parks & Recreation and learn about the importance of pollinators!

Native Bees of North America. Native bees are an unappreciated treasure, with 4,000 species from tiny Perdita to large carpenter bees, they can be found anywhere in North America where flowers bloom. Most people don’t realize that there were no honey bees in America until the white settlers brought hivesfrom Europe.
Three-quarters of all food crops — together providing a third of the world’s food supply — depend on pollination by insects, mostly bees. Their services are also crucial for maintaining the diversity of the world’s wild plants and the stability of ecosystems. The scale of bee loss has led to fears of a global pollination crisis in which crop yields begin to fall as demand for food rises, prompting international and national initiatives and a raft of research programs to tackle the issue.
Leafcutter Bees
Watch them carry home rolled up leaves to swaddle their baby eggs in this fun slow motion video.
Why not to use bamboo for mason bees!
Mason Bee