Helping Ninjas Privacy Policy

Privacy and Protection of Helping Ninjas Policy

The safety and security, privacy and protection of our children is a top priority of our organization and as we move forward we will ensure the security of all media outlets regarding the privacy of the Helping Ninja members through all avenues of social media publication. Each and every Helping Ninja mission, you determine the content  of your personal photos, videos or blog posts- the submission requirement is completely optional as to what means, and is to your viewing discretion of what and how you choose too disclose the ninja missions.

The at home ninja missions that are shared through the Helping Ninjas website or social media and/or by willing viewer participants, the sharing is solely meant for the intention of education and inspiration of other children to learn how to help and with the intent to  become  Helping Ninjas in their own right, but never and not with the intent to reveal the identity or residence of any participating or child, guardian or organization or to be subjective to a breech of privacy.

Helping Ninjas will always stand behind, implement, protect the two constitutional rights -the freedom of speech and right to privacy. Helping Ninjas strives to create an online environment where it is safe and secure to  to think and share with peers.

Helping Ninjas’ Ninja Missions

Photo and Videos Submissions

Creatively you can shoot the act of help in any form or fashion you deem appropriate for child viewing. When submitting media (photos or videos) it is to your full disclosure. It is solely up to the participant if they remain alias or not,  however we will accept information pertaining to only the month/year, name the city/state, age of the helping ninja or ninjas,  and school attending if applicable. If you do not feel comfortable giving any of this information , that is your right and we will more than willingly accept the picture without it.

Photos that are only of the helping act itself is 100% acceptable, such as a pile of books your child wants to donate.

Pictures that one chooses to share via social media and tag ‘Helping Ninjas’, or any affiliation of that, such as #helpingninjas,#recycle #help#kindnessrocks# etc…Helping Ninjas strongly advises that you follow precautionary and safety guidelines before submitting the media to any outlet.

Any pictures and/or videos that are submitted to Helping Ninjas for publication on the website and social media, we ask that you please help us to make sure there are no specific names or residence names, street addresses, street signs, license plate’s, etc. – information pertainingto specific locations that viewers do not necessarily need to know for safety of our ninjas. (i.e. The ability to see where our children live is not permitted on this website.) Helping Ninja staff will edit any needed changes of submitted media directly through our website.  All submissions for blog posts to the website are monitored

If you are a school or an organization, or a guardian that for whatever reason cannot submit a photo of a child, you can still participate in ways that adds privacy toy your ninja mission. Perhaps only the childs hands are shown in the photo, or not at all. For instance, a mission to find companies that are not currently recycling – you could submit a picture of dumpster in the back of shopping center with only the dumpster. (See example pictures.)



Helping Ninjas ‘At Home Ninja Missions’

Social Media. When documenting the at home ninja missions and posting videos and/or pictures at home on social media – Twitter, Instragram, Facebook, rtc. please do not reveal specific location of ninjas. Please make sure there are no specific names or residence names, street addresses, street signs, license plate’s, etc. – information pertaining to specific locations that viewers do not necessarily need to know for safety of our ninjas. (i.e. The ability to see where our children live or are gathering in current time is prohibited within this organization.)

The safety and security, privacy and protection of our children is a top priority of our organization and we encourage you to do the same.

Helping Ninjas ‘At Home Ninja Missions’

Blogs. When submitting written blog posts for publication through the Helping Ninjas website please make sure there are not any visible last names on the document. We do encourage you however to name the city or state, age, month/year, and in some cases, school attending–all is completely optional and is up to you if you choose too disclose.

Example Blog:

June 2017. I’m a Helping Ninja and today I went the outside in my yard with my neighbor and we picked up trash. It took us about 15 minutes. My hands were tired when I was done. I wish that people would not liter. Please help pick up trash too.  I volunteered my time today to help and it made me feel good.Helping Ninja. age 5, Lexington, Ky, Sycamore Elementary


Viewers are in full participation at their own discretion. Helping Ninjas is not, and will not be held liable for anything in relations to public social media posts, whether it a blog, photo or video submission pertaining to the Helping Ninjas, we cannot and will not be affiliated with it due to liability and protection of our organization and its members. The safety and security, privacy and protection of our children is a top priority of our organization and as we move forward we will always proactively  implement the highest security possible regarding the privacy of the youth members of Helping Ninjas.



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