“Hunger is a necessary for survival. its not a game.” – A Helping Ninja Kid
No Hunger Games. An initiative to educate our youth about the global issue of hunger and create opportunities to help.
Did you know? There is more than enough food produced in the world to feed everyone on the planet?
If it was a game –to not be hungry, and food was scarce & not available, not only would you go hungry – you would lose the game. Just as in this hypothtical game of hunger, in real life – one who has the availabe resources to beat hunger would be able to help those who cannot help themselves win the game. Join the Helping Ninjas as we embark to help fight world hunger- one ninja at a time!
Are you, or someone you know, fighting hunger? Share your stories of how people are helping those in need! Or if you know of someone, or a charity who helps those suffering from hunger, let us know, so Helping Ninjas can help them! Email us! We want to share! Any effort, big or small, is worth sharing!
Did you know? 16 million American kids struggle with hunger each year. An estimated 48.8 million Americans , including 16.2 million children, live in households that lack the means to get enough nutritious food on a regular basis. As a result, about 1 in 5 children go hungry at some point during the year.
Food Insecurity. More than 13 million children in the United States live in “food insecure” homes, according to recent research from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). That means those families don’t regularly have enough food to eat, the most basic of all human needs.
World Hunger. Poor nutrition causes nearly half (45%) of deaths in children under five – 3.1 million children each year. One out of six children — roughly 100 million — in developing countries is underweight. One in four of the world’s children are stunted in growth due to hunger.
More FAQ about World Hunger
Want to bring awareness to world-wide hunger, or to host a fundraiser to help those in need? Host a #NoHungerGames and tag us so we can share and inspire others to help!
Stories to Inspire
A nine-year old Helping Ninja in Kentucky is raising awareness about Hunger in the United States by inviting friends and neighbors over for a #NoHungerGames fundraiser! These gamers played an ultimate Nerf Gun Tournament to fight hunger! Each child participated by donating a canned food item or $2.00 to donate to a local food bank! The winning team got to choose the charity!
An 11-year old Helping Ninja in Indiana is raising awareness about Hunger in the United States by hosting a #NoHungerGames X-Box Tournament. Friends and neighbors donated $1-$5 to participate in a 4-hour X-Box Tournament! The Helping Ninja borrowed X-boxes from friends and had 4 X-Boxes connected to 4 different televisions – enabling a total of 16 players! They raised $100 and donated it to a local charity who helps feed those in need!
Helping Ninjas friends at Ninja Zone are helping to fight hunger! Ninja Zone at Geist Acadamy in Indianapolis hosted a #NoHungerGame to help Second Helpings to #FeedIndy.
Each day, Second Helpings volunteers and staff rescue prepared and perishable food from wholesalers, retailers and restaurants — preventing unnecessary waste. That rescued food is used to create 4,000 hot, nutritious meals each day that are distributed to 89 social service agencies that feed people in need.
The Second Helpings Culinary Job Training program trains disadvantaged adults for careers in the food service industry. This helps eliminate hunger at its source. More than 750 adults have graduated from this program, and Second Helpings alumni are now working in Central Indiana as cooks, executive chefs, business owners and culinary instructors.
Helping Ninjas ❤️ Seond Helpings! We give them a High Five!
Helping Ninjas ❤️ Ninja Zone! We give them a High Five!
Ninja Zone Embodies Discipline, Foucsed Energy & Skill to Develop Children For Life
Ninja Zone: “We all want the best for our children; the influence that will allow us to continue shaping them into confident, capable people. At NinjaZone, we’ve crafted a program to give children the skills and confidence to continue learning and developing.” The NinjaZone program combines:
- The coordination from gymnastics
- The strength and agility from obstacle training
- The creativity from freestyle movement
Helping Ninjas are Ninja Zone Kids! 
Helping Ninja Sawyer loves Challenge Class at Ninja Zone!