Helping Ninjas’ Missions

Sign-Up to Join Our Helping Ninja Mission Campaign

Simply fill out the Ninja Missions From below to sign up! How to participate? You can choose from one of the suggested Ninja Missions, or or create your own!

Ninja Missions From

Will you Participating in A Helping NInja Mission?

We welcome all youth to join our mission to become highly skilled at helping the world!Any act of kindness or care towards one another, or our planet, is helping.  Maybe picking up trash outside, helps earth, recycling or compositing or planting a flower, or by helping someone with a chore. You could offer to donate items that you no longer need to a charity.  No act of help is too small. Anyone can be a Helping Ninja!When others see your acts of help, it might just inspire them to do one of their own.

Join Our Initiative to become highly skilled at helping the world.

Helping Ninja Missions

Choose from one of our suggested Ninja Missions or create your own!

Making Cards at Home for Blessings in Back Packs.  This is organization helps to feed hungry children after school and on the weekends. You can make cards for them to put in the back packs right at home!

There are guidelines for this, please click here for the BIB Note Card Instructions of how it should look! Also, to view a printable logo for the notecards click here:  Notecard Template.  You can print the notecard template and then make cards! Learn more about this organization here ! Once you are done with your cards, share with the Helping Ninjas a picture of it! We will help you get it to where it needs to go, email us!

Ninja Mission

Think of Fundraiser. Start planning. Contact us and we can help you!

Ninja Mission

Think of Fundraiser. Record your thoughts. Send it to us!

The mission is to care enough come up with an idea to share with other ninjas. Tell us how what it is and how it will help others in need. You can write it, voice memo, draw a picture with a caption, or make a selfie video of yourself explaining it. Example: For instance, what if you held a nerf gun war fundraiser after school one day at your house or a friends –with permission of your parents! You can ask your friends to donate a dollar to participate! You could use the money towards a charity or you could split the funds between the winners of the nerf wars and add the money to your Helping Ninja money collection jar!

Ninja Mission

Start a Compost

Turn off the lights! Be the helper who turns out all the lights in the house before going to bed.

Ninja Mission

Use cloth napkins! Save trees by using napkins! Even washing them with your parents is a great way to hekp!

Ninja Mission

Plan a fundraiser. The mission is to care enough come up with an idea to share with other ninjas. Tell us how what it is and how it will help others in need. You can write it, voice memo, draw a picture with a caption, or make a selfie video of yourself explaining it. Example: For instance, what if you held a nerf gun war fundraiser after school one day at your house or a friends –with permission of your parents! You can ask your friends to donate a dollar to participate! You could use the money towards a charity or you could split the funds between the winners of the nerf wars and add the money to your Helping Ninja money collection jar!

Ninja Mission

Start a Compost

Ninja Mission

Turn off the lights! Be the helper who turns out all the lights in the house before going to bed.

Ninja Mission

Use cloth napkins! Save trees by using napkins! Even washing them with your parents is a great way to hekp!

Submit all Helping Ninja Missions to [email protected]Or share on Social Media with the tag:  #helpingninjas

Ninja Mission

The Crayon Initiative collects old crayons and gives them to childrens’ hospitals! Watch the video here:
Ninja Mission

Ninja Mission is to recycle legos! Got legos? This organization collects old crayons and gives them to not for profit agencies to reuse!

Ninja Mission

Thank a firefighter today! Post a picture on social media or send to us for posting! Be sure to tag #thankafirefighter #helpingninjas

Ninja Mission

Recycle and Blog it! Take a picture of how your can recycle.

Ninja Mission

Learn about endangered species.

Ninja Mission

Learn about pollution.

Ninja Mission

Learn about a global climate issue.

Ninja Mission

Helping Ninja Mission: Learn About Composting

Ninja Mission

Volunteer For A Charity

Ninja Mission

Collect Food for Hungry and donate!

Ninja Mission

Write a little something for our blog about the importance of recycling to share with other helping ninjas on our website.

Ninja Mission

Write a little something for our blog about the importance of helping to share with other Helping Ninjas on our website.

Ninja Mission

Make a Helping Ninja Jar. The mission is to start a Helping Ninja Money Collection Jar in your own house. Ask your parents or guardians, to allow you to do chores to earn money for Helping Ninjas. (You can use this money towards future ninja missions!

Ninja Mission

Visit our website, with the permission of your parent or guardian, explore our website! You can ask them to allow you to have access to this website on your device!

Ninja Mission

Recycle/Compost Paper towels or Toilet Paper Rolls

The mission is put a recycle bin (or make one) in your bathroom (or kitchen) to collect empty cardboard rolls! And, to take a picture once it is full! Apply what we learned! Which part can go in the recycle bin? Which part to compost?

Ninja Mission

Start recycling trash this week. Then the next week work really hard to recycle. Then take a picture of your trash before and after your efforts.


Ninja Mission

Take the Helping Ninja Pledge

I PLEDGE to become highly skilled at HELPING. I PLEDGE I will try to help to share the importance of helping and caring.I PLEDGE to do acts of help whether it be on my own or through service by volunteering for not for profit agencies and to learn more about how I can be a part of the Helping Ninjas philanthropy. I  PLEDGE to try and help complete ninja missions and create new ones for others to join in on the fun.
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