Mission: Watch video about Plastic in our world

Hi I completed the mission to watched the following film shown at the Eco Film Festival,  “Streams of Plastic,”Gary Bencheghib’s short film: https://youtu.be/pXVbi05RaCE. 

I watched it with three of my friends, and I liked the video because it made me realize I can encourage people to start helping the world and cleaning up trash. And they should not just throw it around places where it’s not actually supposed to be. Because what happens if we the world keeps on getting more polluted, by the future then once us kids are grown the pollution will be too high to go outside your house. Because if we don’t pick up trash the world can be too polluted. If we don’t clean it up who do you think will clean it up, nobody.  If the world is just too polluted  sot hat we can’t live there anymore – that’s really sad because this is the only planet right now that is supposed to be the only planet where any human is able to live.  I want to be helping life so what we should do is to help to help pick up trash so that way the world has less pollution. And I know that sadly China’s already really polluted.  It’s actually true that all the pollution in China  can come all the way to the United States and we none of us want that from countries and no one else  in the world should either.

Helping Ninja, age 8, Carmel, IN College Wood

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