Migration Celebration

Helping Ninjas recently volunteered during a local park’s celebration of monarchs! Cool Creek Nature Center of Hamilton County Parks in Westfield Indiana held their 3rd annual Migration Celebration! Helping Ninja kids and moms and dads volunteered their time to help at the event on Saturday morning – and got to take part in a monarch butterflies release!  Cool Creek Migration Celebration consisted of live music, games, crafts, face painting. a boucne house, learning and interactive stations, tagging of butterflies, butterfly release and tons of family fun!

Thank you Cool Creek! Thank you for creating awareness and helping to educate youth and the community about monarchs and for your continuous efforts to help the monarch species.

These Helpoing NInjas give Cool Creek’s Migration Celebration a helping ninja high five!

Learn more about. Mission Moarch. 

See more Migration Celebration Pictures



Want to learn more about pollinators? Helping Ninjas loves hearing about ways you are learning — learning is helping! Share with others what you have learned – and be a helping ninja! Share with us or tag us @LearnHelpShare

Popcorn&Pollinators.  Learn more about our popcorn and pollinators educational program for students birth through teen. Helping Ninjas believes it is important to teach our youth about pollinators, native species, native plants, healthy soil, organic fertilzers, endangered pollinators, eco-system balane and sustainability — and how you can help. Learning what you can do at home to help is a beginning step to conservation.


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