Join us, with Kids Garden Yoga, an initiative to bring awareness to the importance of helping your self: mental, physical and emotional health are all elements of our well being, and yoga combines all of these while encouraging balance, strength, clarity and control.
Sign-up today for Helping Ninjas Garden Yoga and help us to educate our youth about the importance of taking care of ourselves, and our planet.
Download Kids Garden Yoga Pose Flash Cards for FREE
Kids Garden Yoga Poses Series 1
Download for EASY viewing — all compatable to Smart Phone, iPad, Tablet, Laptop or Desktop!

Join Our Campaign to educate youth about the environment and the importance of helping our home – that includes our own bodies!
Sign-up via the form below:
Join our efforts today. To sign-up for the Helping Ninja Garden Yoga Initiative, submit the form below:
Want to share your garden yoga photos? Email to [email protected] or post, tag and share: #KidsGardenYogA

History of Kids Garden Yoga was designed by Helping Ninjas Layla in 2018, Layla was six years old, and by her mother, Lindsey Fella Berry, who is a certified yoga and pilates instructor.The name “Garden Yoga” was created when Helping Ninja Layla and her mother where at their community garden tending to their garden plots — four organic garden plots or growing vegtables and herbs for their school cafe and one organic garden plot for growing produce to donate to Second Helpings. In order to keep up with the hard work of gardening, they often enjoyed doing yoga poses, in the garden! Read the story of how the Helping Ninjas began organic gardening: The Radish Story.
Layla’s Original Kids Garden Yoga Art Poster

Helping Ninja Shruti helped Layla and her mother to come up with some art work to go along with our Kids Garden Yoga poses!

Kids Garden Yoga in School

Helping Ninjas, Inc., a youth-led-not for profit, that supports global, national, community philanthropical, charitable, and environmental causes.

The Helping Ninja bandana is a band of fabric, a common thread that ties us all together, despite differences of age, status, gender, race, ethnic or economic background, making our world a better place through kindness and selfless acts – whether it be helping the planet, each other or oneself.
The Helping Ninja bandana is a band of fabric, a common thread that ties us all together, despite differences of age, status, gender, race, ethnic or economic background, making our world a better place through kindness and selfless acts – whether it be helping the planet, each other or oneself.
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