Join Our Initiative

Join us with the initiative in helping us to create awareness amongst our youth about the importance of helping.


Anyone can be a helping ninja.

A Helping Ninja, by defintiion means to be highly skilled at helping.

Helping NInjas are inpsiring others to want to help the world.

Helping Ninjas are future leaders.

As future leaders we will stand up for our planet.

Helping Ninjas believe those that are helping our planet, deserve to be recognized and celebrated for efforts!

Any companiy, business, corporation, organization, school, club, and citizen of the world, Helping Ninjas is asking to join their quest in standing up for our oceans, standing up for our wildlife, standing up for each other, to stand up for oursevles, and to stand up for the planet.

Join us by inspirinig others to learn to help!






We want to salute others for their efforts to help one another or our environment!

Social Media Shout Out!  🙌🏿🙌🙌🏾🙌🏻🙌🏽  Helping Ninjas High Five – Helping Ninjas will shout out to individuals or businesses that are leading by example, choosing to use plastic free or eco-friendly items.

For example, Kroger recently announced they would remove use of plastic bags by 2025. They derseve a Helping Ninja High Five! 🙌🏿🙌🙌🏾🙌🏻🙌🏽

If you, your family, your club, your classroom, friends at school, are making efforts to #StandUp4RPlanet, such as upcyling, recyling or composting,  or doing something kind for someone, maybe colleciting items or someone in need, then share it with us! #HelpingNinjas

We invite you to Learn Help Share!


Educating others on important facts and issues, as well as any statistics, research or facts about contibutors that may have adverse efffects on our  environment or living things, and then, educating how to help and creating opportunities to helpis the  inspritation behind LearnHelpShare.

Learning about endangered species, land and marine animals, conservation and eco-sysetems, you are helping! Learning Is Helping!

Usinig any of the follwoing Helping Ninjas tags associated with our Helping Ninjas initiatives will connect you to us on social media, and Helping Ninjas might repost and/or share on our website!



#StandUpToPlastic Initiative

Helping Ninjas initiative to educate youth on the impacts of global plastic pollution.Helping Ninjas invites community members to join in, inspiring unity, help and change. Join Helping Ninjas efforts to educate youth on how to help our planet!

#StandUp4OurPlanet Initiative

Educate, address and celebrate all areas of positive impact on our environment. Helping Ninjas encourages community members posts, videos, photos depicting how you or your business is helping the planet. Helping Ninjas is geared to educate youth on ways to help, and what better way for them to see is by example?

Helping Ninjas invite others to Learn.Help.Share.® by educational and inspiring posts at @StandUp4RPlanet and begin helping the planet today!

Post and tag us! Any effort or education on how to help our planet— including all species of life, land & aquatic animals and wildlife, soil, water, air— any news story, news feed, post or photo you may have seen – can be a shared learning tool for others, and help to inspire change!  Example posts: a picture of how or a business is helping the environment. Such as photos of Eco-Friendly Straws, Eco-Friendly Utensils, To-Go Boxes, etc. Any efforts to recycle, composting, reducing waste, conserving energy and/or supporting renewable energy. Promoting urban farming, such as buying local, or any sustainable environment efforts or goals. Community Outreach and/or charitable acts of helping the community or planet. Any organizations and business efforts to help the environment –is worth sharing!


To learn more, contact [email protected], visit or follow Helping Ninjas:

Websites:                                          Social Media:                      @StandUpToPlastic                           @HelpingNinjas                    @StandUp4RPlanet                        @LearnHelpShare

You can be a helping ninja, just by subscribing to our blog:  HelpingNinjasBlog

Click here to read Our Story!

Join the Initiative! 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if children enjoyed helping just as much as they do other things they do in their spare time? And sought out to do it themselves? 

If children are already gathering to hang out, and do the things that they should do like playing outside, riding bikes, playing toys, playing on their device or video games, watching tv, eating desserts, going to see a movie, etc…then why not utilize 10-15 minutes of that time to show them fun ways to help our planet and others? If its captivating – children are the best audience! They are wholly engaged when learning something new and interesting.

Host a Helping Ninja Social or Start Your own Helping Ninja Chapter!

If you are interested in joining the initiave and be a part of Helping Ninjas and learn more about it email i[email protected]

The Helping Ninjas goal is to create awareness across the word about the importance of helping and strive to help connect citizens in a community to each other and local charities and organizations in need – and help them to make a positive change whatever the cause may be.

And, you can do this in your own neighborhood, school, classroom, local park – anywhere! You can host a Helping Ninja Social/Event/Project or even start a chapter in your city! 

Helping Ninja Social. A social gathering, can be small or large, can be ongoing or a one time occurrence. The goal of the Helping Ninja Social is to build community and create awareness. A social can be as small as two people gathering together to do one act of help, or as large as you like.  At a Helping Ninja social your main goal would be to educate and act! Learn. Record. Share. Learn about something important going on in the world and learn how you can make a difference – and then do it! Together with friends, family, neighbors, or class mates!

Example Social: Let’s meet this afternoon for a Helping Ninja Social at the coffee shop. We can pick up some old coffee grounds to take home, and drop off some books to the lobby to donate to the kids area. While we are there, lets talk about composting with coffee grounds. We can even look at pictures on our smart phones and then we can take the coffee grounds to our gardens or to a local compost later this week.

Example Social: Invite friends over for a cause and some fun! For example you ask invitees to bring an item to recycle, and then will view a video about recycling and talk about it while eating popcorn!  (And, maybe you write a blog as a group and submit it!) Or you can make art for nursing home residents and deliver at a later date. Or you can have a lemonade stand and donate the money. And you can sample the lemonade too!  Or you can meet at the park and pick trash up then play on the playground!

Helping Ninja Event.  Just like a social gathering, the event can be small or large, it can be ongoing or a one time occurrence – but would include a speaker from the community, or would be held at a local establishment such as a park or a charity.  Example: Invite friends over to watch videos about the environment and have some popcorn! Such as our Popcorn and Pollinators! 

Helping Ninja Project. Helping Ninjas encourages children to learn to help and all supports efforts and lends help where needed for any origination or child. If you are interested in creating a Helping Ninja project at home, in class, a place of business– anywhere, please contact us. 

Helping Ninja Challenge Helping Ninjas supports encourages others, especially children and groups of children to learn, and challenges are  efforts and lends help where needed for any origination or child. If you are interested in creating a Helping Ninja challenge  at home, in class,  at school, church or a place of business–  please contact us and or post on one of our social media outlets. Helping Ninjas promotes and accepts promotion of all online, and social media challenges amongst friends, siblings, co-workers, classmates, organizations and businesses!!

Follow our Learn.Help.Share. motto and create Helping Ninja Challenges in good taste in efforts to create awareness about the importance of teaching youth to learn how to help! Or challenging someone (or some place or group) to help!

Helping Ninja Chapter

Be A Part of Our Learn.Help.Share Program


If you are interested in having a Helping Ninjas Club or Social, or forming a group in your classroom, neighborhood, community or organization –  it’s as easy as sending an email.  

Guidance is given on how to start creating opportunities for children to learn to help, and to have hands on helping experience! Geared to giving back or helping a cause, these learning experiences and adventures for children in your classroom, neighborhood, or organization are positive experiences uniquely providing a means to learn how to become highly skilled at helping. 

Clubs, social gatherings and events are a way children can connect with their peers and friends and dedicate time when getting together-to try to help in some way – big or small.  Any child, neighborhood, school or organization that is willing to help our cause is welcome to participate. 

Anyone can be a “Helping Ninja” – by our definition, a helping ninja is a person highly skilled at helping and person – big or small, can be one!

Its a fun and easy thing to do, and teaches such a valuable lesson- a lesson we sometimes wish we  always had enough time in the day to communicate to our children/youth. To Help.

We as leaders, citizens, parents, guardians, grand-parents, care-takers, and teachers need to realize the vast importance creating opportunities for our youth to help and likewise, then doing it – actually creating opportunities for them to help and learn!  Showing them how to do a simple act of help. And, eventually, individuals young and old will learn how to integrate it into daily routines.

One of our goals is to start Helping Ninjas groups in neighborhoods and communities all over the world!

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 ©2018 Lindsey Berry All rights Reserved
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