Celebrate Earth Day At School

Here are some Helping Ninjas Ideas on how you can celebrate Earth Day At School!

Earth Day Awareness Ideas: 

“Help us create awareness!  What are you doing on Earth Day Challenge”

Sample Announcement: “What are you doing on Earth Day Challenge?”  The “School Name” or “Green Team” encourages schools students, families, faculty and staff district wide — to do something for earth day at home and post a picture on online media and tag our school. (Instagram, twitter and FB)

Since Earth Day is on a Sunday, you  could promote this “Earth Day Challenge” the entire month of April leading up to it…. And could supply weekly ideas or sources for the them to do at home via our website.

This would be communicated through PTO newsletter, weekly PTO emails and/or could email to classroom teachers and ask them to add to your schools  weekly newsletters.  To help create awareness to like our Facebook Page. This would be announced through the PTO, and also schools that have morning announcements could see if these awareness ideas as well as the themes (See Themes Below) each day could be announced on morning announcements.

Create awareness at school. General Ideas to do during school for students, faculty and staff:

Showing a movie (earth day related) in the cafe during lunch

Providing lemonade or popcorn during lunch in honor of earth day awareness 

Earth Art and Essay Contest . An art and essay contest for the month of April. Students can submit art or information that pertains to helping with the earth.  You can announce winners during Earth Week and could showcase winner on school green team website and or PTO website, and even some of the entries as you receive them.  Earth Art and Essay Contest Winners Announced at school and could showcase them on website and social media.

If your school does decide to participate in a contest of this nature, Helping Ninjas would love to showcase them on our website! Send any entries to: [email protected]


Daily Theme Ideas. Along with themes and colors you could give students ideas on things they could bring in to school to collectively celebrate Earth Week

“Say Yes to Less”  

Monday bring a small item to reuse

Like an old book, old toy, gloves, crayons or legos – we could provide a short list to choose from (These items we could collect from each school and donate to appropriate charity)

Tuesday-  bring in a piece of plastic that is recyclable  

(Display them somewhere in the school and weigh all the objects if possible)

Wednesday – non-perishable compostable item (like paper towel roll, pencil shavings, a leaf, many more…) or perishable, like banana peel or apple core, or grape stems (provide a list of items students could bring in – this may not work if your school does not have a composite area

Thursday – Show and tell 

Students can bring in a picture of what they did for Earth Day, and then could then use the photos for bulletin board or displays or a class room earth day book

Friday – 

Green Team show our green team show “green” gratitude for custodians,You can ask students to bring in loose change this day, or even a one-dollar bill.

Compile all loose change and buy gift cards for any custodian, and maybe any IAs (in cafeteria) who handle/helps with all of recycling or any other green operations. You can calling it the  “behind the scene green”  or “green gratitude” certificate or award 🙂 Another option beside bringing in money is students could write nice thank you notes to those individuals in the school that help with the green operations and give them to the people.

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