Harvest Helping Hunger

Helping Ninjas recently donated organic, home grown tomoatoes to Second Helpings – an organzation that rescues food and creates meals to feed those in need in the Indinapolis and surrouding areas.  Helping Ninjas grew tomatoes from seed, using organic and natural gardening methods. Such as home made compost, organic tomato seeds, organic soil, orgnaic fertilzers: egg shells, milk, banana peel tea and epsom salt. They also used herbs as natural pest deterrants.

Helping Ninjas made homemadre pesticides from garlic and cayenne pepper to deter the unwanted pests that attemped to eat their transplant seedlings. The kids planted the tomato seeds in mid-Feburary and kept them well-cared for indoors using natural light from windows and light from a house-lamp. We turned the seedliings daily, rotating them towards the sunlight, and assemalated wind by having our hands over the seedlings. We replanted the seedlings three different times, into larger containers as they grew – using home made compost and eggshells as fertilizer. By May, the seedlings were grew into healthy plants ready to go into the ground. A Helping Ninjas dad created a tomato garden in their backyard.






























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