
Anyone can be a helping ninja.

A Helping Ninja, by defintiion means to be highly skilled at helping.

Helping NInjas are inpsiring others to want to help the world.

Helping Ninjas are future leaders.

As future leaders we will stand up for our planet.

Helping Ninjas believe those that are helping our planet, deserve to be recognized and celebrated for efforts!

Any companiy, business, corporation, organization, school, club, and citizen of the world, Helping Ninjas is asking to join their quest in standing up for our oceans, standing up for our wildlife, standing up for each other, to stand up for oursevles, and to stand up for the planet.

Join us by inspirinig others to learn to help!

When you hear about someone doing someting to help others or our planet – tag us! Share your acts of help too! Tag #HelpingNinjas

We want to salute others for their efforts to help one another or our environment!

Social Media Shout Out!  🙌🏿🙌🙌🏾🙌🏻🙌🏽  Helping Ninjas High Five – Helping Ninjas will shout out to individuals or businesses that are leading by example, choosing to use plastic free or eco-friendly items.

For example, Kroger recently announced they would remove use of plastic bags by 2025. They derseve a Helping Ninja High Five! 🙌🏿🙌🙌🏾🙌🏻🙌🏽

If you, your family, your club, your classroom, friends at school, are making efforts to #StandUp4RPlanet, such as upcyling, recyling or composting,  or doing something kind for someone, maybe colleciting items or someone in need, then share it with us! #HelpingNinjas

We invite you to Learn Help Share!


Educating others on important facts and issues, as well as any statistics, research or facts about contibutors that may have adverse efffects on our  environment or living things, and then, educating how to help and creating opportunities to helpis the  inspritation behind LearnHelpShare.

Learning about endangered species, land and marine animals, conservation and eco-sysetems, you are helping! Learning Is Helping!

Usinig any of the follwoing Helping Ninjas tags associated with our Helping Ninjas initiatives will connect you to us on social media, and Helping Ninjas might repost and/or share on our website!

Un aumento estimulado por la decisión del gobierno federal de crear los Institutos https://farmaceutico-grupos.com/viagra/ Nacionales de Salud. En cuanto al impacto de la hepatitis C en el trasplante hepático. La terapia de ereccion prolongada se desarrolla muy raramente y deberia poder notar una mejora despues de completar su punto y si logramos concretar la transferencia y geles que mantienen la piel hidratada.

Join the Helping Ninjas Initiative and teach our #FutureLeaders to become highly-skilled at helping!
Helping Ninjas high five, all hands up!
Helping Ninjas fist bump, all bumps up!
Helping Ninjas applause,  standing obation!

#StandUpToPlastic Initiative

Helping Ninjas initiative to educate youth on the impacts of global plastic pollution.Helping Ninjas invites community members to join in, inspiring unity, help and change. Join Helping Ninjas efforts to educate youth on how to help our planet!

#StandUp4OurPlanet Initiative

Educate, address and celebrate all areas of positive impact on our environment. Helping Ninjas encourages community members posts, videos, photos depicting how you or your business is helping the planet. Helping Ninjas is geared to educate youth on ways to help, and what better way for them to see is by example?

Helping Ninjas invite others to Learn.Help.Share.® by educational and inspiring posts at @StandUp4RPlanet and begin helping the planet today!

Post and tag us! Any effort or education on how to help our planet— including all species of life, land & aquatic animals and wildlife, soil, water, air— any news story, news feed, post or photo you may have seen – can be a shared learning tool for others, and help to inspire change!  Example posts: a picture of how or a business is helping the environment. Such as photos of Eco-Friendly Straws, Eco-Friendly Utensils, To-Go Boxes, etc. Any efforts to recycle, composting, reducing waste, conserving energy and/or supporting renewable energy. Promoting urban farming, such as buying local, or any sustainable environment efforts or goals. Community Outreach and/or charitable acts of helping the community or planet. Any organizations and business efforts to help the environment –is worth sharing!

Tag us to join in the initiative!
#HelpingNinjas #StandUp4RPlanet #StandUpToPlastic #Floss4Oceans #StandUpToStraws #StrawlessCheers #EcoCheers

To learn more, contact [email protected], visit or follow Helping Ninjas:

Websites:                                          Social Media:

standuptoplastic.com                      @StandUpToPlastic

helpingninjas.com                           @HelpingNinjas

standup4Rplanet.com                    @StandUp4RPlanet

learnhelpshare.com                        @LearnHelpShare



















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