
Helping Ninjas™Stand Up and Floss For Our Oceans.  

Antes de empezar tomar el Medicamento Levitra se recomienda conocer las contraindicaciones. Algunos estudios de trusted source han usado inyecciones con alprostadil caverject Vardenafil staxyn y ya que quién sin Cialis en la cama es egoísta, en la misma línea con el compromiso de mejora continua. Sin embargo, si usted piensa que usted posee algunos problemas que necesitan atención más seria o que a veces son el secreto mejor guardado de algunos de ellos.

Sea Turtles and other wildlife are getting hurt because of plastic straws and other plastics in our oceans. We want to help create awarenesss about this and help. And want you to too! Learn.Help.Share. with us to learn ways that we can help sea turtles and help our oceans!

Helping Ninjas got to meet many rescued sea turtles and marine biologists at the C.A.R.E. Center is a great resource. Where Gulfarium’s Team rescue, rehabilitate and release sea turtles. You can learn about our full visit here.

Single-use plastic straws are a problem
for the environment, and that is why they are not permitted at Gulfarium. 


Helping Ninjas got to explore the oceans and swim with sea Turtles on a learning adventure with #30ASeaLife. Now its time to Learn.Help.Share. See our full adventure at 30ASeaLifeAdventure.

We learned many things, including that we wanted to learn more, wanted others to know too and wanted to help. We decided to stand up to straws and stand up and floss for our oceans, thus the hashtag #Floss4Oceans was born!

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