Worm composting (also known as vermicomposting) is the breakdown of organic wastes by the action of worms.
Red Wrangler Compost
Red Wrangler Farm
There are 20,000 worms inside this box!
They live in a Helping Ninja’s Kitchen.
You can’t even smell it!
The worms poop turns into really rich soil called compost.
People can sell this soil.
Its rich and full of nutrients.
Its soft and fluffy.
The worms lay on a bedding
made of cardboard and paper shreds
The shreds become the bedding for the worms.
Then they start to multiply.
This family started with 2000 worms.
You lay the processed food
Inside the worm farm and then over it up!
They feed them waste scraps once a week.
Worms digest it better when its blended in processor!
Feed the worms!
It disappears because they eat it all.
Cover up the food!
with bedding and more worms!
We got to hold the worms!
People can reuse worms compost!
Reuse to plant more seeds and grow more food!
Composting with worms!
If you would like to learn more about Red Wrangler Worms, here are some great links we suggest!