How to Start Your Own Compost?

How to Start?   Starting to compost is as simple as getting a container and soil. The secret is to stir the soil and the items-  you will ensure that the compostable process of breakdown begins by stirring it each time. Try not to allow a large pile to accumulate without soil, if the soil gets low, add more. You always need enough soil to stir in your compostable items. Avoid dumping compostable bags into your compost, it will take longer to compost, so starting out adding ingredients directly to the soil out of the bag is best.

Kids Compost Step By Step

Compost is a little more work than just tossing it in the trash. But it keeps trash out of landfills. Landfills are toxic and put methane into the air – which is very bad for the earth.

How to Start?   Starting to compost is as simple as getting a container and soil. The secret is to stir the soil and the items-  you will ensure that the compostable process of breakdown begins by stirring it each time. Try not to allow a large pile to accumulate without soil, if the soil gets low, add more. You always need enough soil to stir in your compostable items. Avoid dumping compostable bags into your compost, it will take longer to compost, so starting out adding ingredients directly to the soil out of the bag is best.

Creating Renewable Energy Through Composting

To ensure that your compost is successful in creating nutrient rich soil to be reused be sure to stir the pile frequently, add soil as needed and try and shred or chop things when possible, adding a variety of items- will be your key to creating your own renewable energy compose. A balance of compostable is important. Balancing nitrogen rich greens and plants, and items such as leaves and wood chips that are high carbon. Without enough nitrogen the pile will not be able to heat up. The decomposition process raises the heat of the pile to temperatures 100-140 degrees. A balance of air and moisture in the compost allows the microorganisms to grow and break down the items and turn our waste into carbon dioxide and heat. If there is too much, and not enough soil and moisture then the microorganisms won’t be able to effectively decompose. Likewise, if there is too little oxygen the microbes may not be able to kill dangerous bacteria thats why adequate adequate air flow is important. Without air the bacteria will give off a foul smell.



Below is an excellent guide to help you start a compost bin at home and more educational information about composing is. This compost guide was added to our website to share what excellent efforts this individual is doing to help our planet

A Beginners Guide To Compost








How to Compost in a 5-Gallon Bucket Read more here at

Composting At Home United States EPA

How Do You Know Your Compost Is Ready?










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