Helping Ninja Mission

Accept the Ninja Mission: Learn about The Cafe Patachou Foundation

The Goal of the Patachou Foundation is to prepare and serve healthy meals to children impacted by homelessness and hunger and increase their awareness, connection and excitement about the whole food they are eating. Read more about the foundation here…


Helping Ninja Mission: Donate a Book to Little Free Library

November 8, 2017

Hi I am a Helping Ninja! My brother and me went with my mom to donate books. It was just a little box that is a library that people can just take home. This Little Library Box was at Cool Creek Park. We put about 16 of our old books in there. It is a free library for people who can’t buy books. Please help us fill all the library boxes.

Helping Ninja, Age 5, Pre-School, Carmel, IN

To learn more you or find a Little Free Library near you, click here to see their map:

Sprouts Pay It Forward

November 26th, 2017

The Helping Ninjas absolutely loves what Sprouts Cooking School for children did to give back during Thanksgiving! An inspiration to us all! Learning to cook is such as great skill we all need to help teach our children, but learning to give back and how you can help —is even that much more important! Kuddos Sprouts! To learn more about Sprouts Cooking School visit their Facebook page:

Our first Sprouts Pays it Forward event was a HUGE success! This charity idea was something I had in my heart for some time. I wanted kids to be able to feel the power of giving back through their cooking. As you all know, I am also a big believer in getting families together in the kitchen. So tonight we had 9 families that made 9 full Thanksgiving dinners for families in need. Good Samaritan Network of Hamilton County

*I’m going to go ahead and add tonight to the many things I am thankful for this year. ❤️🍗🦃 #sproutspaysitforward#throwkindnessaroundlikeconfetti #happythanksgiving #kidshelpingkids#familieshelpingfamilies

Image may contain: 14 people, people smiling, people sitting and indoor
Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting, child, indoor and food
Image may contain: 6 people, people sitting and indoor
Image may contain: 3 people, people eating, people sitting, food and indoor
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Composting Is Cool

November 15th, 2017

A composting experiment. One jar has food scraps, soil, worm compost, hay, and compostable cardboard and fabric. The other jar has all the same plus trash. The jar with the compost needs to have air. The landfill jar with the trash will keep a lid on it because land fills do not have air. We will watch the jars and see what they do!  Stay tuned!

A Helping Ninja Mom, Carmel, IN


Compost Party

November 17, 2017

Hi I am a Helping Ninja and we had a Helping Ninja Party to celebrate National America Recycles Day. I learned about recycling and composting. Composting is kind of cool. There was an experiment. One jar is a compost, the other will be like a landfill. I can’t wait to watch and see what it does. I am glad I came to the party because I didn’t know about this ever before.

Helping Ninja, Age 10, 4th Grade, College Wood Elementary



Plastic Is Not Good For the Earth

November 15, 2017

Today we learned about the truth of plastic. We watched Tapped and Streams of Plastic.  It is not for real what they say it is. I will not use plastic anymore and neither should you. Plastic is not good for the earth. Please help us save the world.

Helping Ninja, Age 10, 4th Grade, Carmel, IN, College Wood Elementary

Plastic in The Ocean

November 15th, 2017

Please do not put garbage in the ocean or else fish will die. I want to tell the world to keep the trash out the ocean bc now I know that fish will die. I didn’t know this before.  The ocean will be filled up with trash soon and then the whole entire ocean will be filled with trash and there will be more trash than fish. This makes me sad. Please don’t put plastic in the water.

Helping Ninja, Age 4, Preschool, Carmel, IN, Indiana Montessori Academy
Streams of Plastic Movie

Streams of Plastic

November 16, 2017

I think it is important to tell the world that if don’t stop littering plastic then most of the fish will be dead in the ocean.  I know now after watching this video what it means that we can not litter anymore and really should stop even using plastic. I want to tell the world to please stop littering bc I like fish and our oceans. 

Helping Ninja, Age 7, 1st Grade, Carmel, IN College Wood Elementary

What I learned from Tapped

November 16th, 2017

I watched the movie Tapped and Streams of Plastic. I learned from the videos we watched is that we need to stop littering and using plastic. And that bottle waters are not really healthy because the water in it is not the water source the company says it is – it like they are tricking us. If we don’t stop using plastic there is gonna be more plastic in the ocean then fish by 2050.  I want to tell  the whole entire world to make it so the whole entire world will never litter again. I think it’s important to share this with my  friends because together we can make the world Green.  And if we can get it done by 2050 will save the fish and I hope we will be a green world. 

Helping Ninja, Age8, 3rd Grade, Westfield, IN, Indiana Montessori Academy

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