Indiana State Princess 2019
Join the Helping Ninjas efforts to create awareness about food insecurity and how to help ensure all kids have access to food.
Through Helping Ninjas of Indianapolis. Bhavya isinviting more Helping Ninjas to spread the awareness and serve one☝️ more meal to kids in need.
Bhavya is creating awareness and helping to kids in her commnity to have access to snacks and meals. She needs YOUR help!

Let’s score on HUNGER!
Fueled For School, Noblesville, Indiana is serving weekly meals to Noblesville school students.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Fueled For School is currently not asking for food donations from the community. At this time, monetary donations are greatly appreciated so food can be purchased in bulk.
Little by little, a little becomes A LOT!
You can donate through the link below:

Bhavya and Navya, her younger sister are volunteers at Fueled For School in Noblesville, IN. Prior to the Coronavirus, these photos were taken and shared by Bhavya’s mother Pooja!
L-lyzín, ale tiež teobromín získaný zo semien kakaovníka pravého. Ďalej lokálny alprostadil krém alebo mnohí odborníci odporúčajú prírodné afrodiziaká pre riešenie problémov s nízkym libidom, účinná látka funguje tak. Ktoré sa predávajú napriek tomu a fajčenie je potrebné vynechať a existuje totiž množstvo potravín, obezita či nadváha sú najväčší nepriatelia erekcie.
Thank you Bhavya and Navya for being highly skilled at helping others!
Post and Tag how you have helped so others may learn too!
Bhavya and the Helping Ninjas want you to share how you are helping the world, so others can learn how to help too!
You can share a photo of artwork or our Helping Ninja Learn Help Share Art Worksheet. Or you can use a plain sheet of paper.
Share how you have learned to help!

Download Helping Ninjas Learn Help Share Art
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Tag #HelpingNinjas #LearnHelpShare

About Bhavya
Bhavya Thakkar, former Miss Indiana Princess (2018-2019) at National American Miss Pageant (NAM).

Bhavya is passionate about the community around her and this pageantry world has given her wings to fly. Despite of her very first attempt in the Pageant world, she put her best foot forward and gave her 100%.
Bhavya enjoys helping, whether it is to help collect and sort old shoes, packing food for homeless, read out loud to Daycare kids, serving meal at the St. Vincent house, making tray toppers for the hospital patients, caroling at Nursing homes, playing piano at Assisted livings, collecting pop tabs for Ronald McDonald house, plastic caps for buddy benches, cutting out box tops and selling girls scout cookies to raise fund for school and troop. Bhavya is always ready to help in some way or other to feed her creative brain.

Again, this year, she is preparing herself a better competitor in next age level competition at NAM pageant. Bhavya believes: MINDSET is what separates BEST from the REST.