Feeding Indy

Second Helpings rescues food that would otherwise be thrown away, prepare it, deliver it to local nonprofits for free, and train people for careers in the culinary industry. They deliver more than a million meals every year—many of them to kids and seniors. Second Helpings fights hunger in Central Indiana from every angle.

Since 2018, Helping Ninjas youth and families have been volunteering their time to help at Second Helpings and help to “feed Indy.” In fact, one of our Helping Ninjas’ Skyler, was the youngest person to ever volunteer at Second Helpings at age 4.

On August 27th, our founder, Leo Berry and his two brothers, Sawyer and Skyler Berry volunteered at Second Helpings. They helped to prepare pasta for the Second Helpings Chef. They were able to help feed over 600 families by preparing 200 lbs of pasta!

Read the Indianapolis Star Newspaper Article that feature Helping Ninjas

Volunteer with Helping Ninjas

Helping Ninjas is always looking for people to volunteer with us and to join the our mission to become highly skilled at helping the world. Contacts us today! [email protected] or DM us on Instagram, Facebook or X.

View this profile on Instagram Helping Ninjas™️ (@helpingninjas)

Want to help the world? Helping Ninjas is always seeking new members and volunteers to help in our mission to become highly skilled at helping the world! Contact us today!

Check out “Helping Ninjas Volunteer Sign Ups”

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Growing Food For Others

Helping Ninja Skyler grew gardens this summer and donated some of his produce and herbs to Second Helpings!

Volunteer with Helping Ninjas
Helping Ninjas is always looking for people to volunteer with us and to join the our mission to become highly skilled at helping the world. Contacts us today! [email protected] or DM us on Instagram, Facebook or X.

View this profile on Instagram Helping Ninjas™️ (@helpingninjas)

Want to help the world? Helping Ninjas is always seeking new members.
Contact us today!
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